About Dewsbury Town Board.

In 2019, Dewsbury was named as one of 101 towns eligible to access investment up to £25m as part of the UK Government’s Towns Fund. 

Dewsbury Town Board was set up to help prepare an ambitious proposal for the funding, bringing together local representatives from across the business and community to ensure the Plan represents everyone in the town. 

The Dewsbury Town Investment Plan was successfully submitted in 2020 and a number of projects have been undertaken with the resulting funding. 

Dewsbury Town Board continues to meet regularly to oversee the progress of the funding and future funds. 

Dewsbury is one of 75 towns eligible to receive up to £20 million to support a 10-year investment plan. To ensure that the plan genuinely reflects the priorities of local people, we’re asking the community to share their priorities through Our Future Dewsbury to help us shape the Dewsbury Long-Term Plan, a community-led initiative to build on the Dewsbury Blueprint. 

The six key roles of the Town Board are:

1. Actively participate with the council  in the development of the Dewsbury Long-term Plan.

2. Identify the issues and priorities to focus on in the Long-term Plan.

3. Engage with the community and provide advice and support and take timely decisions.

4. Oversee the delivery of the projects by monitoring progress.

5. Providing advice and guidance to the council to inform the development  and delivery of projects.

6.  Active participation in the delivery of future projects.

Meet the board.

Vision for Dewsbury

The Dewsbury Blueprint is Kirklees Council’s masterplan for the next decade and beyond of town centre investment, not only modernising the offering within the town centre but future-proofing Dewsbury’s heritage. It plans to do this in many ways but has three key goals.

Click here to find out more.

Improving attractiveness

Improving attractiveness means making the public spaces in our town a pleasant, safe and enticing places to spend time. Our new Town Park, regenerated shop fronts and improved marketplace, alongside the recent improvements to the train station entrance, are just the start, and we’re exploring even more ways to improve the beauty and perceptions of the town’s fantastic public spaces.

Increasing activity

Improving attractiveness means making the public spaces in our town a pleasant, safe and enticing places to spend time. The new Town Park, regenerated shop fronts and improved marketplace, alongside the recent improvements to the train station entrance, are just the beginning. We’re exploring even more ways to improve the beauty and perceptions of the town’s fantastic public spaces.

Improving accessibility

We want Dewsbury to be a place that works for everyone, placing accessibility at the heart of or regeneration plans. That’s why, as well as improving active travel routes into and out of town, we’re working alongside local communities to ensure nobody is left behind in Dewsbury’s transformation.

Town Board Meetings.  

You can find meeting agendas, attendee lists and minutes from previous board meetings here

Town Board Terms of Reference.  

The Terms of Reference set out the governance of the Board and its Members, its relationship with the council and clear set of roles” You will find reference to the following policies and information within this document; Board Roles and Responsibilities, Whistleblowing Policy, Conflicts of Interest, Quorum and Decision Making and Board Code of Conduct. These can be found here.


If you have any questions about the work of the town board, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Freepost Dewsbury Town Board